The Beginning

Julie Miguel was a successful business owner. She worked in Belize City on Albert Street and business was booming. However, every day after school the community children would pass by her shop and make a ruckus. She was so annoyed that she contact the city.

As the days turned into weeks and nothing was being done by the city Julie’s heart began to change. Rather than seeing these kids as a nuisance Julie began to notice their torn shoes and their hungry faces. Soon she found herself putting out candies for them as they came by, then she opened her shop for them to come hangout, and she quickly realized as her shop was bursting with children that she needed a community center.

In 2012 Julie opened the first ever community center in Belize City and Water Walkers Boys and Girls Club was born. Since then hundreds of children have been fed, clothed, taught and so much more! Julie’s passion and vision has transformed the next generation. Below shows a video from 2013 that shows more of this story.

You are welcome to join with her as she continues to pursue ways to impact the youth and communities within Belize City.


Summer Camp


Don’t miss it.